Ep. 26 /turning a Challenge into an Opportunity: Period Loss to a Mom of Two & a Cheerleading Business!


Show Notes:

In this week’s episode of the Period Recovery Podcast, I talk with Danielle Donovan, the owner of CHEERFIT and a former Syracuse University cheerleader. She talks about her experiences with body image as a former cheerleader and also her experience with losing her period.

I hope that you find this information helpful in your journey.


Listen in to learn more:

  • [08:37] How positive reinforcement can be negative reinforcement

  • [29:55] It’s essential to have that time for self-care, but it doesn’t just have to be working out; it can be things like meditating, journaling, getting your nails done, etc.

  • [37:15] There’s so much more to life than restricting food, “eating healthy,” your body, and checking things off the to-do this 

Listen Now:

  • Coming Soon.


Contact Cynthia
Website: www.periodnutritionist.com

Instagram: @period.nutritionist 

Apply for coaching: https://p.bttr.to/3dJneV8

Connect with Danielle: https://www.instagram.com/cheerfittraining/


Ep. 27 /My Period is BACK! But am I ovulating?


Ep. 25 /How a global pandemic and anxiety Impacted one woman's Period Health?