Ep. 10 / The Last Piece of my Missing Period Puzzle with former Client, Alissa
Show Notes:
Hey everyone!
On today’s episode of the Period Recovery Podcast, I am joined by one of my previous clients Alissa to discuss her healing and period recovery journey. According to Alissa, “Cynthia was the last piece of her missing period puzzle.”
So many false statements are made to women who don’t have their period. Don’t believe everything your doctor tells you.
{03:33} How Alissa lost her period
{06:12} When she realized she had a problem, and what made her wait to get help
{10:05} Getting answers
{13:30} Finding proper motivation
{15:19} Overcoming her fears
{19:37} How Alissa got her period back
{25:28} Relationships after recovery
[29:34} Mental Clarity after recovery
{35:39} Alissa’s tips for period recovery
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Coming Soon.
Contact Cynthia
Website: www.periodnutritionist.com
Take the when will my period come back quiz: https://www.tryinteract.com/share/quiz/626aa3f218a24e0018c59fa6
Instagram: @period.nutritionist
Apply for coaching: https://p.bttr.to/3dJneV8