Ep. 74/After 10 Years Without a Period, Kelsi Found a New Sense of Purpose and Accomplishment


 In this conversation, Kelsi shares her journey from living for athletic achievement to finding joy in so many new areas of her life including motherhood, friend and family relationships and higher education. She discusses her struggles with disordered eating, the absence of her menstrual cycle, and the challenges of seeking help from medical professionals. 

Along the way therapy was an important part of Kelsi's recovery to help her build a life out of more than just exercise. In this conversation, Kelsi shares her journey of recovery from hypothalamic amenorrhea (HA) and the emotional and physical challenges she faced. She discusses the importance of community support, the gradual process of regaining her menstrual cycle, and the transformative power of self-acceptance. 

Kelsi reflects on her dreams of motherhood and how her perspective shifted during recovery. The conversation emphasizes the significance of balance in life, the ongoing nature of recovery, and the encouragement for others facing similar struggles.

  • Medical professionals often misunderstand HA and overexercising goes unnoticed.

  • Therapy played a crucial role in Kelsi's recovery journey so she could gradually learn to be honest with herself.

  • Community support is crucial for accountability and encouragement because there's nothing that can matched feeling understood.

  • Learning about your body and its cycles is empowering.

  • Dreams can shift during recovery, revealing deeper desires.

  • Life after recovery can be fulfilling and rich with experiences.

  • It's okay to have hard days; recovery is not linear.

  • Women have much more to contribute beyond physical appearance.

  • Recovery can lead to unexpected joys and opportunities.

Apply for coaching w/Cynthia:  https://p.bttr.to/3ybjfOb 

Discover the truth about HA:  click the link to download Cynthia's fact sheet that debunks common myths and misinformation! 

Website: https://www.periodnutritionist.com  

Instagram: www.instagram.com/period.nutritionist

Listen Now:


Ep. 75/Uncovering More Than Your Missing Period


Ep. 73/When Period Recovery Give You MORE Than Exercise Back